Aumuehle Residences

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Aumuehle Residences

The Aumühle is one of the oldest mills in the town of Oberursel. The current building is an ensemble of the main building- the water mill, which dates back to the 17th century- and a series of extensions, that trace the mill’s history from a leather manufacture to a processing plant for special plastics. Now the premises are going to be converted into new uses that comprise of family residences, senior resident housing and offices. As a reminiscence of the building’s long history, a large part of the building fabric is kept. Rooftop extensions are made to the western two-storey extension, whilst the roof of the original mill is also raised. Between front yard and the northern and western backyards, an open-air passageway is created, which leads past the exposed and refurbished mill, and providing access to both gardens and the entrances of the private residences at the back. A central stairwell located besides the water wheel connects all stories of the ancient mill, and all floors of the western extension. A repair café on the ground floor of the ancient mill serves as social meeting point.

Urbanlogic with Thomas Kupke architect

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