Raphael Kwok Loon Chan

Director – Climate Change & Environmental Engineering

MEm, MSc, BEng
Chartered Professional Engineer (Environmental College), Australia
Member, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Environmental)
EDGE Expert, International Finance Corporation Principal

Raphael is a civil and environmental engineer with 15 years of experience in provide consulting services to public clients and international organizations. He is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) in Australia, a Member of the Institution of Engineers in Australia (MIEAust), and a Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (MHKIE).

Raphael worked for AECOM for about seven years and participated in several major environmental protection projects. Raphael’s experience also includes climate resilient and low carbon development. Raphael is the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and Certified Carbon Auditor (CAP) of the Association of Energy Engineers, US, and an EDGE expert for the IFC.

Curriculum Vitae

since 2022 partner, URBANLOGIC Ltd
since 2014, Managing Director, NAREE International Limited
2011-2013 Senior Environmental Engineer, AECOM, Shanghai
2007-2011 Environmental Engineer, AECOM, Hong Kong


2007  Master of Environmental Management, Yale University, USA
2005  Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, USA
2003  Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST, Hong Kong