Chancellor Place

Chancellor Place is a master plan for a 13ha site on the edge of Manchester city centre. It is part of a wider regeneration strategy for the heavily deindustrialised neighbourhood. The objective is to create a fully integrated sustainable development by creating a truly small-scale mixed-use, well-connected and differentiated environment, for live, work and leisure. A new pedestrian spine offers an alternative to the noisy Old Ashton Road (the main artery into Manchester to the north of the site). Three public squares with different characters serve as stepping stones along this route and are lined by retail and F+B on the ground floor. Offices are located along the railway, and family-oriented residential mainly at the more quiet eastern end.

To distinguish the residential component from new development in the surrounding quarters it is envisaged to make use of
self-commissioning, i.e. vacant plots will be sold to the end user who then commissions an architect to create a design within an overarching design code.